What is a PPG?
The role of the PPG is to work with key staff in the GP Practice to help make a difference in the experience of patients and carers here in Spinney Hill Medical Practice.
How does the PPG work?
As a group of patients, carers and staff we meet and work together to improve services. The PPG provides an important patient/carer perspective to help improve the experience. There is an elected Chair and Vice Chair. The group meets every 6 months.
What is the key role of the PPG?
The role of the PPG is to work in partnership with the Practice by:
- Being a constructive critical friend and ambassador –who can challenge and support in a constructive manner.
- Advising the practice on the patient perspective and providing insight into the responsiveness and quality of services.
- Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health by actively promoting and supporting health awareness and education.
- Actively seek the views and experiences of patients/carers, especially those less likely to give feedback. Reviewing and sharing this information with the Practice in the agreed manner.
- To explore the following feedback sources regularly and systematically, proposing developments or change; contributing to action plans/ changes as required.
- Surveys (local & national)
- Friend & Family Test feedback
- Regular communication with the patient population
- Themes from Complaints, concerns, and comments
- As individuals and collectively, comply with the PPG Code of Practice which is provided to members on joining.
It is a requirement of all GP Practices to have a PPG as part of the GP Contract with the NHS.
Who can join?
The PPG is open to every patient who is a registered patient with Spinney Hill Medical Practice.
All communities, groups, genders, ages, ethnicity and disabilities representing the patient list are encouraged to join. There are no other membership requirements except that patients must be registered with the practice.
Interested in making difference and would like to find out more about the PPG?
Spinney Hill Medical Centre is currently trying hard to re-establish the Patient Participation Group. We are looking to involve registered patients on a voluntary basis.
We would like to hear your views on: what works, what doesn’t and what improvements you would like to see in the near future.
You would be invited to attend the Patient Group at the practice, every 6 months, to discuss the focus of any changes to be made and the outcomes.
Patient involvement is now high priority in the NHS. PPGs are used to establish a means of both the Primary Care Trust and the medical practice communicating with patients.
We are looking for the proactive engagement of patients across all age groups; your contribution to help us give the best quality of health care will be valued and appreciated.
We’d love to hear from you. Come to the surgery and speak with Reception. They will provide you with an application form and forward onto the PPG Chair.