Spinney Hill Medical Centre

Refurbishment Project January 2024 – Doncaster Road Site

Dear Doncaster Road Surgery registered patients,

Refurbishment project started from January 2024 at the Doncaster Road Branch Surgery. The plans are to increase the number of clinical rooms that are available and will help in providing more and even better care at the Practice.

As it is a major development, availability of space will be limited for a short period.

  • Currently NO clinical appointments available due to health and safety
  • Only accepting Registration forms, Change of Addresses, any other relevant documents
  • Appointments are held at Main Site – 143 St Saviours Road and Belgrave Health Centre (50 Brandon Street, Leicester, LE4 6AW)
  • Urine samples will need to be dropped off at St Saviours Road by 11:00am, as samples are transferred to UHL Pathology at 12:30pm

I would request you to bear with us while we go through this major improvement in our premises which will ultimately lead to better patient services and care.

Many thanks for your understanding and support as we go through this improvement plan.

Spinney Hill Medical Centre
(Updated as of 01/05/2024)
